Product Description
Product Description
Indication: Recommended for the vaccination of healthy, suceptable cattle and sheep against disease caused by Clostidium Chauvoei, Cl. Septicum, CL novyi, Cl. Sordellii, and Clostridium perfingens Types C. and D. Although clostrodium perfringens Tyle B is not a significant problem in the U.S.A., immunity may be provided against the beta and epsilon toxins elaborated by Clostridium perfringens Tyle B. This immunity is delivered from the combination Type C (beta) and Type D (epsilon) fractions.
Composition: Prepared from cultures of the organisms listed. Alum precipitated.
-Cattle: Using aseptic technique, Inject 5ml subcutaneously. Repeat in 21 to 28 days and once annually.
-Sheep: Using aseptic technique, Inject 2.5ml subcutaneously. Repeat in 21 to 28 days and once annually.
Warning: Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter