ALG 2,4-D AMINE 32oz

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Palmer Feed, Inc

1318 N. Chadbourne
San Angelo TX




Product Description

Product Description

For control of many broadleaf weeds and brush control in corn, soybeans (preplant), small grains, pastures, rangelands, and other listed crops and in non-crop areas such as lawns, ornamental turf, drainage ditchbanks, fencerows and rights-of-way. Also for aquatic weed control, control of trees by injection, and tank mixes.
-For control of many broadleaf weeds and brush control in corn, soybeans (preplant), small grains, pastures, rangelands, and other listed crops and in non-crop areas such as lawns, ornamental turf, drainage ditchbanks, fencerows and rights-of-way
-Also for aquatic weed control, control of trees by injection, and tank mixes
-This product is a water dilutable amine especially prepared for use on crops and weeds where a susceptible crop in the near vicinity may be injured by a more volatile product
-It is recommended for control of numerous broadleaf weeds and certain 2,4-D susceptible woody plants without injury to most established grasses
-In cropland, 2,4-D is more effective than amines for controlling hard-to-kill weeds such as Bindweed, Thistle, Smartweed, Wild garlic, Curly dock, Tansy ragwort, and Wild onions
-For best results, apply this product as a water or oil spray during warm weather when young succulent weeds or brush are actively growing
-Application under drought conditions often will give poor results
-The lower recommended rates will be satisfactory on susceptible annual weeds
-For perennial weeds and conditions such as the very dry areas of the Western states, where control is difficult, the higher recommended rates should be used

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Dimethylamine Salt of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid*........................ 47.2%
OTHER INGREDIENTS: ........................................................................ 52.8%
TOTAL: ............................................................................................... 100.0%
Isomer Specific AOAC Method, Equivalent to: *2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid 39.2%, 3.8 lbs./gal.

This product will kill or control the following weeds in addition to many other noxious plants susceptible to 2,4-D: Alder Galinsoga Purslane Alligator weed Goatsbeard Ragweed American lotus Goldenrod Red clover Arrowhead Goosefoot Rush Artichoke Ground ivy Russian thistle Aster Gumweed Sagebrush Austrian fieldcress Healall St. Johnswort Beggartick Hemp Salsify Biden Henbit Shepherdspurse Bindweed Hoary cress Sicklepod Bittercress Honeysuckle Smartweed Bitterweed Horsetail Sneezeweed Bitter wintercress Indigo Southern wild rose Blackeyed Susan Indiana mallow Sowthistle Blessed thistle Ironweed Spanishneedle Blue lettuce Jerusalem artichoke Spatterdock Box elder Jewelweed Speedwell Broomweed Jimsonweed Stinging nettle Buckhorn Kochia Stinkweed Bullnettle Knotweed Sumac Bull thistle Lambsquarter Sunflower Bulrush Locoweed Sweet clover Burdock Lupine Tanweed Bur ragweed Mallow Tarweed Buttercup Many flowered aster Thistle Canada thistle Marijuana Toadflax Carolina geranium Marshelder Tumbleweed Carpetweed Mexican weed Velvet leaf Catnip Morningglory Vervain Chickweed Mousetail Vetch Chicory Muskthistle Virginia copperleaf Cinquefoil Mustard Virginia creeper Cockle Nettle Water hyacinth Cocklebur Nutgrass Water lily Coffee bean Orange hawkweed Water plantain Coffeeweed Parrot feather Water primrose Common sowthistle Parsnip Water shield Creeping Jenny Pennycress Wild carrot Croton Pennywort Wild garlic Curly indigo Pepperweed Wild lettuce Dandelion Pigweed Wild onion, Devil?s claw Plantain Wild parsnip Dock Poison hemlock Wild radish Dogbane Poison ivy Wild rape Duckweed Pokeweed Wild strawberry Elderberry Poorjoe Wild sweet potato Flea bane (daisy) Povertyweed Willow Flixweed Prickly lettuce Witchweed Florida pusley Primrose Wormseed Frenchweed Puncture vine Yellow rocket


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