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Palmer Feed, Inc
1318 N. Chadbourne
San Angelo TX
Product Description
Product Description
A non-selective residual herbicide for the control of a wide range of grasses, broadleaf weeds in land not intended to bear vegetation, including industrial sites, railways, and other non-crop situations.-For control of many annual and perennial grasses and herbaceous weeds
ACTIVE INGREDIENT: % BY WT. Diuron: 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea.........80.0%
OTHER INGREDIENTS:...................................................................................................... 20.0%
TOTAL: ........................................................................................................................... 100.0%
Aerial application:
For alfalfa, barley (winter), cotton (preplant or preemergence only), grass seed crops (PNW only), sugarcane, wheat (winter), and rights-of-way, application may be made by aircraft at 5 to 10 gallons of water per acre unless otherwise noted. Avoid overlapping of spray swath and avoid application under conditions where excessive drift may occur. Where land is bedded, make application parallel to rows.
Ground application:
Use a boom power sprayer properly calibrated to a constant speed and rate of delivery. Openings in screens should be 50 mesh or larger. Continuous agitation in the spray tank is required to keep the material in suspension. Agitate by mechanical or hydraulic means. If by-pass or return line is used, it should terminate at bottom of tank to minimize foaming. Avoid overlapping and shut off spray booms while starting, turning, slowing, or stopping or injury to crop may result.
For preemergence application, use sufficient spray volume and pressure to uniformly distribute the spray solution over treated soil. Preemergence weed control will be reduced on high organic matter soils such as peat or muck.
For postemergence application, use sufficient spray volume and pressure for thorough coverage of weed foliage. For selective applications and applications near sensitive crops, use low spray pressure to keep spray drift to a minimum. Alligare Diuron 80DF at specified rates controls seedling annual weeds such as annual morningglory, barnyardgrass (watergrass), crabgrass, crowfoot, goosegrass, pigweed, and purslane. Addition of a surfactant to the spray (where specified) increases contact effects of Alligare Diuron 80DF. Best results are obtained on succulent weeds growing under conditions of high humidity and temperatures over 70F or higher.
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