Product Description
Product Description
Contains: Triclopyr 8.8%New size concentrate and brush in the cap to make it an RTU, same great product.
For the control of unwanted woody plants, vines and broadleaf weeds around homes, cabins, fences, walkways, and other non-crop areas.
Mix 8 oz in to 1 gallon to spray on leaves.
Apply undiluted to freshly cut stumps, within 45 minutes.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Triclopyr (3,5,6-trichloro-2-Pyridinyloxyacetic acid), as the Triethylamine salt ...........................................................8.8% OTHER INGREDIENTS: ...............................................................91.2% TOTAL: .................................................................................... 100.00% Contains 6.36% Triclopyr acid - 0.6 lb/gallon
APPLICATION METHODS For best results, apply as a full coverage foliar spray when brush and weeds are fully leafed out and actively growing. Wilting or other symptoms will occur in 1 to 6 weeks. Apply only when the air is calm to prevent drift to desirable vegetation. Rainfall within 24 hours may reduce effectiveness.
FOLIAGE SPRAY Using a hose-end or tank sprayer, mix 8 to 16 tablespoons (4 to 8 fl. oz.) in enough water to make one gallon of mixed spray. For mature or hard-to-control plants (such as Ash, Blackgum, Choke Cherry, Elm, Maple, Oak, Pine, or Winged Elm), or during drought conditions, use the highest rate of application indicated. Resprouting may occur in the year following treatment when lower rates are used. The addition of a surfactant (spreader/sticker) enhances herbicidal action and improved distribution of the spray on hard-to-wet plant surfaces. Apply at the rate of one gallon of mixed spray to approximately 500 sq. ft. of area. Coverage may vary depending on the amount of foliage to be treated. Using coarse spray pattern and low pressure, apply as thorough foliage spray to wet all leaves.
STUMP TREATMENT To kill stumps and prevent sprouting, apply the undiluted product with a paint brush or backpack sprayer to completely cover the freshly cut surface. Do not reuse paint brush. Wrap in several layers of newspaper and discard in trash.
VINE CONTROL When treating vines such as Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, etc. that grow on or around desirable plants, do not allow spray to contact desirable vegetation. Cut the vine first and treat as directed for stump treatment.
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