Product Description
Product Description
Formulation: Bacillus Thuringiensis. Provides control of insects on vegetables, flowers, shrubs and lawns.Controls Tomato Hornworms, Bagworms, Armyworms, Webworms, Gypsy Moth Larvae, Cankerworms, Loopers, Tent Caterpillar, Tomato Fruitworms, Sod Webworms, Variegated Cutworms, Imported Cabbage Worms, Rindworms, Melonworms and other listed worms.
Application: Dust to thoroughly cover all plant surfaces. Apply when insects or their damage first appear and repeat as necessary.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strain ABTS-351 Fermentation solids, spores and insecticidal toxins..................0.064% OTHER INGREDIENTS:..........................................................99.936% TOTAL: ...............................................................................100.000%
BEANS, PEAS, CABBAGE, TURNIPS, CAULIFLOWER, COLLARDS, BROCCOLI, AND MUSTARD GREENS: Use 1/2 oz. to kill Loopers and Webworms. For Hornworms, Cabbageworms, Diamondback Moths and Green Cloverworms, use 1/4 - 1/2 oz. For Armyworms, use 1-2 ozs.
TOMATOES, CUCUMBERS, SQUASH, PEPPERS, MELONS, LETTUCE, CELERY, POTATOES, AND SPINACH: Use 1/2 - 1 oz. to kill Loopers, Tomato Fruitworms, Variegated Cutworms, Rindworms, and Salt Marsh Caterpillars. For Hornworms, use 1/4 - 1/2 oz. For Armyworms and Melonworms, use 1-2 ozs.
TURF: To kill Sod Webworms use 2-4 ozs.
SHRUBS AND FLOWERS: Dust to thoroughly cover plant surfaces. Use to kill Loopers, Gypsy Moths, Cankerworms, Tent Caterpillars, Omnivorous Leafrollers, Tobacco Budworms, Spruce Budworms, Saddle Prominent Caterpillars, Fruit Tree Leafroller, Blackheaded Budworms, Saddleback Caterpillar, Western Tussock Moth, Diamondback Moth, Hornworms, California Oak Moths and Armyworms.
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