Product Description
Product Description
Controls over 80 of the toughest-to-control broadleaf weeds including Clover, Ground Ivy, Spurge, Chickweed, Dandelion, Henbit, Oxalis, Poison Ivy, Purslane, Shepherds Purse, Thistle, Virginia Buttonweed, Wild Onion and many others listed on the label.Application Rate: May be applied to Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Red Fescue, Colonial Bentgrass, Common Bermuda Grass, Hybrid Bermuda Grass, Bahia Grass, Zoysia Grass, Buffalo Grass, St. Augustine and Centipede Grass.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 2,4-D, 2-ethylhexyl ester..............10.49% Mecoprop-p, acid.......................... 2.66% Dicamba, acid ............................... 0.67% Carfentrazone-ethyl....................... 0.54% INERT INGREDIENTS:....................85.64% TOTAL: ........................................100.00%
This Trimec product is a combination of four proven weed killers: 2,4-D, mecoprop-p, dicamba and carfentrazone-ethyl. Postemergent applications of this product control a wide range of broadleaf lawn weeds in residential lawns including Dandelion, Chickweed, Spurge, Pennywort (Dollarweed), Knotweed, Plantain, Clover and Ground Ivy (Creeping Charlie). This product offers these advantages: - Rapid and effective weed control for common and troublesome weed species in turf grass. - Fast acting with evidence of injury within hours. Generally, the injury symptoms can be noticed within hours of the application and plant death can occur within 7 - 14 days.
WHERE TO USE This product is intended for use on most ornamental lawns including:
COOL SEASON TURFGRASS WARM SEASON TURFGRASS Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Red or Fine Leaf Fescues, Colonial Bentgrass, Mixtures of Cool Season Species
WARM SEASON TURFGRASS Common Bermudagrass, Hybrid Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, Zoysiagrass, Buffalograss, St. Augustinegrass, Centipedegrass
Turfgrass Tolerance: The turfgrass tolerance to fertilome Weed Free Zone may vary and temporary turfgrass yellowing may occur on St. Augustinegrass and certain varieties of Hybrid Bermudagrass. fertilome Weed Free Zone may injure certain turfgrass species. To reduce risk of lawn injury, avoid spraying drought stressed lawns or when temperatures are above 90F. Prohibitions: - Do not use this product on carpetgrass, dichondra or lawns containing desirable clovers. - Do not apply this product to Floratam or Bitterblue varieties of St. Augustinegrass in Florida. - Do not apply this product to St. Augustinegrass during spring green-up which is the transition period between dormancy and active growth. - Do not spray roots of trees and ornamentals Do not allow spray to drift onto vegetables, flowers, ornamental plants, shrubs, trees and other desirable plants since injury may result. - Do not exceed specified dosages for any area. Be particularly careful within dripline of trees and other ornamental species. - Do not apply as a fine mist because of potential injury to desirable plants. - Do not apply directly to or near water, storm drains, gutters, sewers, or drainage ditches. Do not apply within 25 feet of rivers, fish ponds, lakes, streams, reservoirs, marshes, estuaries, bays, and oceans. Do not apply when windy. To prevent product runoff, do not overwater the treated area to the point of runoff or apply when raining or when rain is expected that day. Rinse applicator over lawn or garden area only
WHEN TO APPLY Spray when broadleaf weeds are young and actively growing for best results. fertilome Weed Free Zone may be applied in the spring, summer, or fall. Spring and fall treatments under adequate soil moisture conditions are preferred to the summer treatments. Generally, summer broadcast applications to older, drought stressed weeds are less effective. Broadcast (entire areas) applications or follow-up applications at 2-6 week intervals are recommended for more mature weeds, for dense infestations, and for adverse environmental conditions. Spot treatments during summer may be appropriate for sparse infestations, or as a follow-up treatment, or any time broadleaf weeds are susceptible.
CULTURAL TIPS FOR IMPROVED CONTROL Irrigation: - Do not apply this product immediately before rainfall or irrigation. Rain or watering within 4 hours after treatment may reduce effectiveness. Mowing: - Delay mowing 1 to 2 days before and after the application of this product. Reseeding Interval: - Treated areas may be reseeded 2 weeks after application
THREE EASY STEPS TO MIX AND APPLY 1. Determine (Measure) the lawn area to be sprayed. Calculate square feet by multiplying length by width. The application rate for this product is presented as fl. oz. (tablespoons) per 1,000 sq. ft. of lawn. 2. Use hand-operated sprayers (backpack sprayers, compression sprayers, knapsack sprayers or tank type) or hose-end sprayers. Carefully measure and mix the proper amount of product with water. See below for instructions for the various types of sprayers. 3. Spray evenly over the lawn.
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