Product Description
Product Description
Gets Rid of the Tough Weeds - Roots and All! Controls Over 200 Weeds. New Formulation. Proven Performance.Controls both grassy and broadleaf weeds in one easy step including Crabgrass, Barnyardgrass, Foxtail, Black-Eyed Susan, Buttercup, Catnip, Chickweed, Dandelion, Dollarweed, Ground Ivy, Jimsonweed. Morning Glory, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Ragweed, Sunflower, Thistle, and many other broadleaf weeds.
One Pint Covers Up To 2,500 Square Feet. Rainproof In 1 Hour.
Contains 2, 4-D, Quinclorac and Dicamba.
ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: 2,4-D, dimethylamine salt......................... 6.42% Quinclorac ................................................ 2.13% Dicamba, dimethylamine salt.................... 0.60% OTHER INGREDIENTS............................... 90.85% TOTAL.................................................... 100.00% THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS: 0.456 lb 2,4-dichloro- phenoxyacetic acid equivalent per gallon or 5.33%, 0.182 lb 3,7-dichloro-8-quinolinecarboxylic acid per gallon or 2.13%, 0.043 lb 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid equivalent per gallon or 0.50%, Isomer Specific By AOAC Methods.
HOW MUCH TO APPLY For Bermudagrass (common and hybrid), Buffalograss, Kentucky Bluegrass, mixtures of cool season grasses containing fine fescues (red, hard and chewings), Ryegrass (perennial and annual), Tall Fescue, and Zoysiagrass Spot Treatments: Mix 2.5 fl. oz. (5 Tbs) in 1 gallon of water to treat 400 sq.ft. Entire Lawn Treatments: - Pump Style Sprayer: Mix 6.4 fl.oz. in 0.5 to 1 gallon of water to treat 1,000 sq.ft. - Hose-End Sprayer: Apply 6.4 fl.oz. per 1,000 sq.ft. Over-application or rates above those specified on this label can cause turf injury.
WHEN TO USE Apply this product when weeds are small and actively growing. WEED SPECIES: Crabgrass ( large and smooth): Apply in spring from crabgrass emergence until the crabgrass is 3 to 4 inches in height. Re-treat at the same rate at 21 days later for dense populations or for continued crabgrass emergence. Foxtail ( green, giant and yellow): Apply in spring and early summer during the early growth stages or when foxtail is 1 to 4 inches in height. Re-treat at the same rate 21 days later for dense populations.
Broadleaf signalgrass: Apply in spring and early summer during the early growth stages or during the 3 to 7 leaf stage. Re-treat at the same rate at 21 days later if needed. Dandelion, Plantain, Buttercup, Speedwell, Knotweed and other listed broadleaf weeds: Apply in spring when broadleaf weeds are small and actively growing. Apply when broadleaf weeds are young and actively growing with adequate soil moisture. Henbit, Chickweed, White Clover, Ground Ivy, Lawn Burweed and other listed broadleaf weeds: Apply in fall when broadleaf weeds are young and actively growing. Apply when broadleaf weeds are young and actively growing with adequate soil moisture. The maximum application rate is 6.4 fl.oz. of product per 1,000 sq. ft. per application 1.0 lb 2,4-D acid equivalent per acre per application]. The maximum number of applications is limited to 2 per year with a minimum of 21 days between applications. The maximum seasonal rate is 12.8 fl. oz. of product per 1,000 sq.ft. [2.0 lb 2,4-D acid equivalent per acre
HOW TO APPLY Pump Style Sprayers Ideal for spraying individual weeds 1. Add the appropriate amount of water and concentrate to the sprayer tank. 2. Close sprayer, shake well, and pump handle to pressurize. 3. Adjust nozzle to deliver a coarse spray pattern. 4. To broadcast over large areas: apply evenly to treated area 5. To treat individual weeds: spray to wet weed leaf surfaces. 6. Re-pressurize the sprayer as needed to maintain a good spray pattern. Dial Style Hose-End Sprayers Ideal for treating medium-sized lawns 1. Fill sprayer with sufficient concentrate to cover the total area to be treated. DO NOT ADD WATER. 2. Close sprayer and set dial to 2.5 oz. 3. Connect sprayer to hose 4. Extend hose to furthest point from faucet. Walking back towards the faucet, begin spraying, avoiding contact with the treated area. 5. Pour any unused product back into this container. Concentrate Plus Water Hose-End Sprayers Ideal for treating medium-sized lawns 1. Fill sprayer with sufficient concentrate to cover the total area to be treated. Pour product into sprayer jar to the Fluid Oz. level desired (See sprayer jar for markings) 2. Add the appropriate amount of water to the Gallons level indicated on the side of the sprayer jar. 3. Close sprayer, connect to garden hose, shake well. 4. Extend hose to furthest point from faucet. Walking back towards the faucet, begin spraying, avoiding contact with the treated area
USE PRECAUTIONS: Apply when weeds are young and actively growing. - Delay mowing 2 days before and until 2 days after the application of this product. - If the lawn is dry, water 24 hours before using this product. - Do not water lawn within 24 hours of treatment. - For new lawns, apply only when grass is wellestablished (approximately 6 weeks after seedling emergence) or after the third mowing. - Bare spots may be seeded 3 to 4 weeks after application. - Spray when air temperatures are cooler than 90F. - Avoid applications during the spring transition of the warm season grasses and during periods of extremely high temperatures. - Application to bermudagrass may cause temporary yellowing or discoloration but full recovery can be expected
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