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Product Description

Product Description

Ready to use granules, Kills ants, fleas, ticks & other listed bugs. Fast acting soil penetrating formula reaches deep below the ground
Active Ingredient:
Bifenthrin? 0.10%
Other Ingredients... 99.9%
Total? 100.00%
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. This product is designed for use as a ready-to-use granular insecticide to control various insects and spiders on lawns, home perimeter, ornamental & over gardens. See species pests for precise level. irrigating or watering by 0.1 to 0.5 inches immediately after application generally improves the effectiveness of this product. Please read the following """"Directions for Use"""" carefully and fully before applying the product. In New York State, this product may NOT be applied to any grass or turf area (lawns) within 100 feet of a water body (lake, pond, river, stream, wetland, or drainage ditch). In New York State, do make a single repeat application of this product if there are signs of renewed insect activity, but not sooner than two weeks after the last application. Do not allow children or pets to enter the area until dry. Application is prohibited directly into sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, storm drains, water bodies, or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or after application. Apply this product directly to the lawn or garden area. Water treated area as directed on this label. Do not water to the point of run of. Do not make applications during rain. DIRECTIONS FOR USE To control Fire Ants, uniformly apply 1 tablespoon or 3 teaspoons** of this product to the surface of each mound. For best results, 1) apply in cool weather, 65 to 80? F, or in early morning or late evening hours. 2) avoid disturbing ants, 3) treat new mounds as they appear and 4) thoroughly water the treated area immediately after application. **Food utensils such as tablespoons/teaspoons must not be used for food purposes after use in measuring pesticides.
Pests Controlled: Ants, crickets, earwigs, grasshoppers, spiders and ticks. How to Apply: Evenly apply 1.2 lb. of product for every 500 sq. ft. area. Repeat application as necessary only if there are signs of renewed insect activity. Repeat application must be limited to no more than once per seven days.
Surface-Feeding Insects: Use this product for the control of ants, including Carpenter, Red Harvester, Odorous Pyramid, Pharoah (Sugar) and Fire Ants*, Armyworms (including Fall Armyworms), Billbug (including Bluegrass Billbug), Chiggers, Chinch Bugs, Crickets, Cutworms (including Black Cutworms), Earwigs, Grasshoppers, Mealybugs, Sod Webworms (Lawn Moth), and Weevils (including Hyperodes and Bluegrass). Unitormaly apply 1.2 to 2.4 pounds over a 1,000 square feet area by using and handor power-operated gravity or rotary type spreader designed for the application of granular materials. Treat when insects ?rst appear and retreat as necessary. Repeat application is necessary only it there are signs of renewed insect activity. Repeat application must be limited to no more than once per seven days. *Aids in control Argentine Ants, Black Turf Ants, Black Turfgrass Ataenius, Fleas (including Cat Fleas), Leafhoppers, Spiders Uniformly apply 2.4 pounds over a 1,000 (including Brown Recluse Spiders) and Ticks (including Brown Dog Ticks) sq. ft. area. Best results are obtained if the treated area is thoroughly watered immediately after application.
Ornamental and flower gardens (outdoor):
Pests Controlled: Ants, crickets, earwigs, grasshoppers, spiders and ticks. How to Apply: Evenly apply 1.2 lb. of product for every 500 sq. ft. area. Repeat application as necessary only if there are signs of renewed insect activity. Repeat application must be limited to no more than once per seven days.


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