P.F. Harris
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Product Description

To use Harris Ant Killer, simply pour a few drops of the liquid ant killer on bait stations and place where ants are seen. The use of several bait stations is recommended for optimal success. Inspect bait station placements and re-apply liquid ant killer as needed.

9 Bait Trays Per Pack - Spread bait trays over a large area for maximum effectiveness. Ants will seek out the sweet liquid bait and bring it back to the colony
Contains Borax - Borax, a naturally occurring mineral powder, is the active ingredient
EPA Registered - Registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for indoor and outdoor use
Kills the Queen and the Colony - Because borax works slowly to kill, it allows the worker ant time to get back to the colony to share the bait with other ants
To use Harris Liquid Ant Bait Stations, simply pour a few drops of the liquid ant killer inside a bait tray and place where ants are seen, such as window ledges, sinks in kitchen or bath. You will want to place the stations directly in their bath. Avoid using cleaners or chemicals in those areas while you are baiting for ants. Inspect bait tray placements and re-apply liquid ant killer as needed.Place these trays where ants have been seen but ensure they are not accessible to children and pets. For best results, place several bait trays out at a time. Be sure to remove all food sources that ants could be feeding on, as you want the primary source of focus to be the bait.
Why Ant Baits work so well? Ants are social insects and are very sensitive to chemicals and pesticides. They can sense if something has been sprayed and will simply avoid the area. Killing the ants you see will not solve the problem of the colony, so offering them a food source is the best option for control. Because baits work slowly the foraging ants will have time to bring back to the colony and share with queen and other workers. This allows for colony elimination and success.
Read More About the Different Types of Common Ant Invaders

9 Bait Stations Per Pack – Spread bait stations over a large area for maximum effectiveness. Ants will seek out the sweet liquid bait and bring it back to the colony
Kills All Common Household Ants – Harris bait is intended for sweet eating ants, or sugar ants. These include Acrobat ants, Argentine ants, Little black ants, Pavement ants, and many others
Contains Borax – Borax, a naturally occurring mineral powder, is the active ingredient
EPA Registered – Registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA No. 64405-23-3) for indoor and outdoor use
Kills the Queen and the Colony – Because borax works slowly to kill, it allows the worker ant time to get back to the colony to share the bait with other ants


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