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Product Description

Product Description

The new standard in mesquite control
Sendero herbicide is the new standard in mesquite control, offering greater than 15 percent better control and more consistency than the old standard. Sendero does not harm grasses and many desirable brush species. Controlling mesquite with Sendero results in increased grass production and improved wildlife habitat.

-Minimal nontarget tree injury
Sendero herbicide not only increases honey mesquite control but also exhibits minimal nontarget tree effects. Early data collection indicates that Sendero causes only minor or no injury to important livestock and wildlife tree species.
-Improved, consistent control
Sendero provides improved and more consistent control of mesquite, compared with the old standard of Remedy Ultra plus Reclaim herbicide.
-Enhanced livestock grazing and wildlife habitat
Sendero offers best-in-class grass safety and has minimal impact on desirable forbs and certain wildlife browse species. Sendero controls mesquite but leaves behind guayacan, pricklypear, tasajillo, cenizo, torrey croton, leatherstem, coyotillo, oreganillo, riogrande beebrush and elbowbush. Sendero causes short-term canopy reduction on guajillo and kidneywood.

Use sites: Conservation Reserve Program Acres, Habitat Management Areas, Natural Areas, Nonplanted/Noncrop Areas, Pasture, Prairie Management, Rangeland, Wildlife Openings, Wildlife Habitat

This product delivers effective weed control against the following: Annual broomweed, Black Locust, Cocklebur, Coffeeweed, Common Ragweed, Honey Locust, Honey Mesquite, Lambert Locoweed, Mimosa, Silverleaf Nightshade, Western Ragweed, Woolly Locoweed

Registered in state: Arizona, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas

Technical Specifications
Active Ingredient: Potassium salt of 2-pyridine carboxylic acid, 4-amino-3,6-dichloro-; Monoethanolamine salt of 3,6-dichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid
Application Rate: See product specimen label for specific rate recommendations.
Application Timing: Proper conditions required for acceptable honey mesquite control with herbicide applications:
-Proper application window (40 to 90 days post bud break)
-Soil temperatures higher than 75 F at 12 inches below soil surface in the shade
-Mesquite leaf condition good, with only dark green growth indicating mature foliage
-Minimal insect, rodent and weather injury to leaves and trees
-Soil moisture through the season that is adequate for proper leaf development
Application Method: Aerial broadcast. Ground broadcast. High-volume foliar/leaf spray.

Sendero may be applied by ground or aerial application equipment on any registered use site specified on this label.
Ground Broadcast Application: Higher spray volumes (greater than 10 gallons per acre) generally provide better coverage and better control, particularly in dense and/or tall foliage.
Aerial Broadcast Application: Do not apply less than 4 gallons per acre total spray volume. Five gallons per acre or greater will generally provide better coverage and better control, particularly in dense and/or tall foliage.
High-Volume Foliar Application: High volume foliar treatments may be applied at rates equivalent to a maximum of 1.75 pints per acre per annual growing season. Use sufficient spray volume to thoroughly and uniformly wet foliage and stems. Spot Application: Spot treatments may be applied at an equivalent broadcast rate of up to 1.75 pints of Sendero (0.11 lb ae aminopyralid and 0.5 lb ae clopyralid) per acre per annual growing season. Do not apply more than a total of 0.61 lb acid equivalent (1.75 pints) per acre of Sendero per annual growing season as a result of broadcast, spot or repeat applications. Spray volume should be sufficient to thoroughly and uniformly wet weed foliage, but not to the point of runoff. Repeat treatments may be made, but the total amount of Sendero applied must not exceed 1.75 pints per acre per year. To prevent misapplication, spot treatments should be applied with a calibrated sprayer.


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